Tag: Diagnostic markers
Detection of protein oligomers with nanopores
Powerful single-molecule approaches have been developed for the accurate measurement of protein oligomers, but they are often low throughput and li…
The brain–heart axis: integrative cooperation of neural, mechanical and biochemical pathways
The neural and cardiovascular systems are pivotal in regulating human physiological, cognitive and emotional states, constantly interacting through…
Emotions and individual differences shape human foraging under threat
A common behavior in natural environments is foraging for rewards. However, this is often in the presence of predators. Therefore, one of the most …
A first-in-human study of quantitative ultrasound to assess transplant kidney fibrosis
Kidney transplantation is the optimal treatment for renal failure. In the United States, a biopsy at the time of organ procurement is often used to…
Neoadjuvant atezolizumab in combination with dual HER2 blockade plus epirubicin in women with early HER2-positive breast cancer: the randomized phase 2 ABCSG-52/ATHENE trial
The role of anthracyclines in the treatment of early breast cancer (EBC) is increasingly being challenged, especially in de-escalation strategies. …
Spatially resolved transcriptomics and graph-based deep learning improve accuracy of routine CNS tumor diagnostics
The diagnostic landscape of brain tumors integrates comprehensive molecular markers alongside traditional histopathological evaluation. DNA methyla…
Suspected autoimmune-mediated dissociative symptoms
Introduction Dissociative disorders are usually interpreted as psychoreactive sequelae of stressful life events or conflicts that patients may avoid through symptoms [1]. Dissociative symptoms can…
Investigating dopaminergic abnormalities in schizophrenia and first-episode psychosis with normative modelling and multisite molecular neuroimaging
Molecular neuroimaging techniques, like PET and SPECT, offer invaluable insights into the brain’s in-vivo biology and its dysfunction in neuropsy…