Tag: Ecological modelling
Harnessing artificial intelligence to fill global shortfalls in biodiversity knowledge
Large, well described gaps exist in both what we know and what we need to know to address the biodiversity crisis. Artificial intelligence (AI) off…
Multispecies migratory connectivity indicates hemispheric-scale risk to bird populations from global change
Global agreements to reduce the extinction risk of migratory species depend critically on intersecting migratory connectivity—the linking of indi…
The complex structure of aquatic food webs emerges from a few assembly rules
Food-web theory assumes that larger-bodied predators generally select larger prey. This allometric rule fails to explain a considerable fraction of…
Climate-driven connectivity loss impedes species adaptation to warming in the deep ocean
Marine life are expected to have fewer thermal barriers restricting their movement to adjacent habitats than terrestrial species do. However, it re…
Metabolic control analysis of biogeochemical systems
Many reactive systems involve processes operating at different scales, such as hydrodynamic transport and diffusion, abiotic chemical reactions, mi…