Tag: Metagenomics
Longitudinal phage–bacteria dynamics in the early life gut microbiome
Microbial colonization of the human gut occurs soon after birth, proceeds through well-studied phases and is affected by lifestyle and other factor…
SAMPL-seq reveals micron-scale spatial hubs in the human gut microbiome
The local arrangement of microbes can profoundly impact community assembly, function and stability. However, our understanding of the spatial organ…
Metagenomic estimation of dietary intake from human stool
Dietary intake is tightly coupled to gut microbiota composition, human metabolism and the incidence of virtually all major chronic diseases. Dietar…
Dispersal, habitat filtering, and eco-evolutionary dynamics as drivers of local and global wetland viral biogeography
Wetlands store 20–30% of the world’s soil carbon, and identifying the microbial controls on these carbon reserves is essential to predicting fe…
Nutrient supplementation by genome-eroded Burkholderia symbionts of scale insects
Hemipterans are known as hosts to bacterial or fungal symbionts that supplement their unbalanced diet with essential nutrients. Among them, scale i…
Genomic and transcriptomic insights into complex virus–prokaryote interactions in marine biofilms
Marine biofilms are complex communities of microorganisms that play a crucial ecological role in oceans. Although prokaryotes are the dominant memb…
Coordinated proteome change precedes cell lysis and death in a mat-forming cyanobacterium
Cyanobacteria form dense multicellular communities that experience transient conditions in terms of access to light and oxygen. These systems are p…