Tag: Metamaterials
Direct radiation pressure measurements for lightsail membranes
Ultrathin lightsails propelled by laser radiation pressure to relativistic speeds are currently the most promising route for flyby-based exoplanet …
Nanometre-resolution three-dimensional tomographic and vectorial near-field imaging in dielectric optical resonators
All-dielectric optical nano-resonators have emerged as low-loss, versatile and highly adaptable components in nanophotonic structures for manipulat…
Roll-to-plate printable RGB achromatic metalens for wide-field-of-view holographic near-eye displays
Metalenses show promise for replacing conventional lenses in virtual reality systems, thereby facilitating lighter and more compact near-eye displa…
A programmable metasurface antenna that approaches the wireless information mapping limit
Digitally programmable metasurfaces are of potential use in next-generation mobile communications due to their ability to perform wireless data tra…
Metasurface enabled high-order differentiator
Metasurface-enabled optical analog differentiation has garnered significant attention due to its inherent capacity of parallel operation, compactne…
Progress on intelligent metasurfaces for signal relay, transmitter, and processor
Pursuing higher data rate with limited spectral resources is a longstanding topic that has triggered the fast growth of modern wireless communicati…
High-performance achromatic flat lens by multiplexing meta-atoms on a stepwise phase dispersion compensation layer
Flat optics have attracted interest for decades due to their flexibility in manipulating optical wave properties, which allows the miniaturization …
Non-invasive and fully two-dimensional quantitative visualization of transparent flow fields enabled by photonic spin-decoupled metasurfaces
Transparent flow field visualization techniques play a critical role in engineering and scientific applications. They provide a clear and intuitive…
Encrypted metasurfaces with inherent asymmetric-like digitized keys under decoupled near-field parameters
The modulation of the light field by metasurfaces in near-field remains constrained by the coupling of cross-polarization components. This limits t…