fMRI data acquisition and analysis for task-free, anesthetized rats
Templates for the acquisition of large datasets such as the Human Connectome Project guide the neuroimaging community to reproducible data acquisit…
Templates for the acquisition of large datasets such as the Human Connectome Project guide the neuroimaging community to reproducible data acquisit…
Causal control of short- and long-range projections between networks is necessary to study complex cognitive processes and cortical computations. N…
Synaptic connections among neurons are critical for information processing and memory storage in the brain, making them hotspots for neuropathologi…
Sparse, single-cell labeling approaches enable high-resolution, high signal-to-noise recordings from subcellular compartments and intracellular org…
The fundamental structure of cortical networks arises early in development before the onset of sensory experience. However, how endogenously genera…
For accurate perception and motor control, an animal must distinguish between sensory experiences elicited by external stimuli and those elicited b…
Higher cortical areas carry a wide range of sensory, cognitive and motor signals mixed in heterogeneous responses of single neurons tuned to multip…
Our brains integrate sensory, cognitive and internal state information with memories to extract behavioral relevance. Cortico–hippocampal interac…
The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is critical for learning and decision-making processes, including responding to threats. The protracted maturat…
Enlargement of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-filled brain ventricles (ventriculomegaly) is a defining feature of congenital hydrocephalus (CH) and …