Tag: obesity
Proline exacerbates hepatic gluconeogenesis via paraspeckle-dependent mRNA retention
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a global health issue characterized by abnormal blood glucose levels and is often associated with excessive hepatic glucon…
Mechanosensation of the heart and gut elicits hypometabolism and vigilance in mice
Interoception broadly refers to awareness of one’s internal milieu. Although the importance of the body-to-brain communication that underlies int…
Metabolic Messengers: small extracellular vesicles
Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are signalling molecules and biomarkers of cell status that govern a complex intraorgan and interorgan communic…
Anti-obesity medication for weight loss in early nonresponders to behavioral treatment: a randomized controlled trial
Current guidelines recommend behavioral treatment (BT) as the first intervention for patients with obesity. However, a substantial minority (35–5…
Predictive equation derived from 6,497 doubly labelled water measurements enables the detection of erroneous self-reported energy intake
Nutritional epidemiology aims to link dietary exposures to chronic disease, but the instruments for evaluating dietary intake are inaccurate. One w…
Global food retail environments are increasingly dominated by large chains and linked to the rising prevalence of obesity
Retail food environments influence food purchasing and dietary patterns. A global analysis of the food retail landscape allowing comparisons across…