Tag: Quantum optics
Maximum tolerable excess noise in continuous-variable quantum key distribution and improved lower bound on two-way capacities
The two-way capacities of quantum channels determine the ultimate entanglement and secret-key distribution rates achievable by two distant parties …
Real-time observation of picosecond-timescale optical quantum entanglement towards ultrafast quantum information processing
Entanglement is a fundamental resource for various optical quantum information processing (QIP) applications. To achieve high-speed QIP systems, en…
Generation of three-dimensional cluster entangled state
Measurement-based quantum computing is a promising paradigm of quantum computation, in which universal computing is achieved through a sequence of …
Integrated optical entangled quantum vortex emitters
Quantum vortices of light carrying orbital angular momentum stand as essential resources for quantum photonic technologies. Recent advancements in …
Experimental benchmarking of quantum state overlap estimation strategies with photonic systems
Accurately estimating the overlap between quantum states is a fundamental task in quantum information processing. While various strategies using di…
Universal conservation laws of the wave-particle-entanglement triad: theory and experiment
When observed, a quantum system exhibits either wave-like or particle-like properties, depending on how it is measured. However, this duality is af…
A hybrid single quantum dot coupled cavity on a CMOS-compatible SiC photonic chip for Purcell-enhanced deterministic single-photon emission
The ability to control nonclassical light emission from a single quantum emitter by an integrated cavity may unleash new perspectives for integrate…
“QuanTour” illuminates Europe with single photons: celebrating the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025
Witness the journey of a solid-state quantum light source travelling across Europe and beyond—like an Olympic torch relay in the quantum realm.…