Tag: Sleep
Divergent biological pathways linking short and long sleep durations to mental and physical health
Short and long sleep durations are associated with multiple physical, psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases, yet their potentially shared and …
Nocturnal sleep-related variables from 24-h free-living waist-worn accelerometry: International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment
We describe the process of identifying and defining nocturnal sleep-related variables (for example, movement/non-movement indicators of sleep effic…
Nighttime phenotype in patients with heart failure: beat-to-beat blood pressure variability predicts prognosis
Blood pressure variability Blood pressure variability (BPV) is classified according to time scale into very short-term (beat-to-beat), short-term (within 24 h, minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, and day-to-night), mid-term…