Tag: Tectonics
Mantle flow in subduction systems and its effects on surface tectonics and magmatism
Mantle flow triggered by subduction has a crucial role in the evolution of surface tectonics and volcanism. In this Review, we explore how patterns…
Insights into tectonic hazards since the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
In 2004, an earthquake of moment magnitude Mw 9.1–9.3 ruptured over 1,500 km of the Sunda megathrust under the Indian Ocean, produ…
Arctic Ocean bathymetry and its connections to tectonics, oceanography and climate
For at least the past 50 million years, the Arctic region has had a major role in regulating global climate regimes and their variations through ti…
Variation in slip behaviour along megathrusts controlled by multiple physical properties
Megathrusts, faults at the plate interface in subduction zones, exhibit substantial spatiotemporal variability in their slip behaviour. Many previo…
Low-velocity anomaly in the Coral Sea associated with subducting slabs and the Woodlark rift
Classical plume models offer insights into intraplate volcanism and seamount chain formation by assuming a cylindrical upwelling of hot materials f…
Thermochronological markers reveal Late Cretaceous strike-slip faulting in the Yangtze Block, South China
Detecting strike-slip tectonics using thermochronology is challenging because the complex relative motion between fault blocks often does not subst…