The association of frailty and bedside body composition tools with total body potassium and body cell mass: a pilot study in adults with cirrhosis

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Office and home blood pressure and their difference according to frailty status among community-dwelling older adults: the NOSE study

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A torpor-like state in mice slows blood epigenetic aging and prolongs healthspan

Torpor and hibernation are extreme physiological adaptations of homeotherms associated with pro-longevity effects. Yet the underlying mechanisms of how torpor affects aging, and whether hypothermic and hypometabolic states can be induced to slow aging and increase healthspan, remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that the activity of a spatially defined neuronal population in the preoptic area, which has previously been identified as a torpor-regulating brain region, is sufficient to induce a torpor-like state (TLS) in mice. Prolonged induction of TLS slows epigenetic aging across multiple tissues and improves healthspan. We isolate the effects of decreased metabolic rate, long-term caloric restriction, and decreased core body temperature (Tb) on blood epigenetic aging and find that the decelerating effect of TLSs on aging is mediated by decreased Tb. Taken together, our findings provide novel mechanistic insight into the decelerating effects of torpor and hibernation on aging and support the growing body of evidence that Tb is an important mediator of the aging processes.

Coupling of cell shape, matrix and tissue dynamics ensures embryonic patterning robustness

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Sensory input, sex and function shape hypothalamic cell type development

Mammalian behaviour and physiology undergo major changes in early life. Young animals rely on conspecifics to meet their needs and start showing nutritional independence and sex-specific social interactions at weaning and puberty, respectively. How neuronal populations regulating homeostatic functions and social behaviours develop during these transitions remains unclear. We used paired transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility profiling to examine the developmental trajectories of neuronal populations in the hypothalamic preoptic region, where cell types with key roles in physiological and behavioural control have been identified1,2,3,4,5,6. These data show a marked diversity of developmental trajectories shaped by the sex of the animal, and the location and behavioural or physiological function of the corresponding cell types. We identify key stages of preoptic development, including early diversification, perinatal emergence of sex differences, postnatal maturation and refinement of signalling networks, and nonlinear transcriptional changes accelerating at the time of weaning and puberty. We assessed preoptic development in various sensory mutants and find a major role for vomeronasal sensing in the timing of preoptic cell type maturation. These results provide new insights into the development of neurons controlling homeostatic functions and social behaviours and lay ground for examining the dynamics of these functions in early life.

International myeloma working group immunotherapy committee recommendation on sequencing immunotherapy for treatment of multiple myeloma

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