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Coordinated proteome change precedes cell lysis and death in a mat-forming cyanobacterium
Cyanobacteria form dense multicellular communities that experience transient conditions in terms of access to light and oxygen. These systems are productive but also undergo substantial biomass turnover through cell death, supplementing heightened heterotrophic respiration. Here we use metagenomics and metaproteomics to survey the molecular response of a mat-forming cyanobacterium undergoing mass cell lysis after exposure to dark and anoxic conditions. A lack of evidence for viral, bacterial, or eukaryotic antagonism contradicts commonly held beliefs on the causative agent for cyanobacterial death during dense growth. Instead, proteogenomics data indicated that lysis likely resulted from a genetically programmed response triggered by a failure to maintain osmotic pressure in the wake of severe energy limitation. Cyanobacterial DNA was rapidly degraded, yet cyanobacterial proteins remained abundant. A subset of proteins, including enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism, peptidases, toxin-antitoxin systems, and a potentially self-targeting CRISPR-Cas system, were upregulated upon lysis, indicating possible involvement in the programmed cell death response. We propose this natural form of cell death could provide new pathways for controlling harmful algal blooms and for sustainable bioproduct production.
A connection between proto-neutron-star Tayler–Spruit dynamos and low-field magnetars
Low-field magnetars have dipolar magnetic fields of 1012–1013 G, 10–100 times weaker than the values of magnetic-field strength B ≈ 1014–1015 G used to define classical magnetars, yet they produce similar X-ray bursts and outbursts. Using direct numerical simulations of magnetothermal evolution starting from a dynamo-generated magnetic field, we show that the low-field magnetars can be produced as a result of a Tayler–Spruit dynamo inside a proto-neutron star. We find that these simulations naturally explain key characteristics of low-field magnetars: weak (≲1013 G) dipolar magnetic fields, strong small-scale fields and magnetically induced crustal failures producing X-ray bursts. These findings suggest that the formation channel of low-B magnetars is distinct from that for classical magnetars, reflecting potential differences in proto-neutron-star dynamos.
Frequency shift caused by nonuniform field and boundary relaxation in magnetic resonance and comagnetometers
In magnetic resonance experiments, it is widely recognized that a nonuniform magnetic field can lead to an increase in the resonance line width, as well as a reduction in sensitivity and spectral resolution. However, a nonuniform magnetic field can also cause shifts in resonance frequency, which has received far less attention. In this work, we investigate the frequency shift caused by boundary relaxation and nonuniform magnetic field with arbitrary spatial distribution. We find that this frequency shift is spin-species dependent, implying a systematic error in NMR gyroscopes and comagnetometers. The first order correction to this systematic error is proportional to the difference of boundary relaxation rate, and dominates for small cells. In contrast, the third and higher order corrections arise from the difference of gyromagnetic ratios of spin species, and dominates for large cells. This insight helps understanding the unexplained isotope shifts in recent NMR gyroscopes and new physics searching experiments that utilize comagnetometers. Finally, we propose a tool for wall interaction research based on the frequency shift’s dependency on boundary relaxation.
Switching on and off the spin polarization of the conduction band in antiferromagnetic bilayer transistors
Antiferromagnetic conductors with suitably broken spatial symmetries host spin-polarized bands, which lead to transport phenomena commonly observed in metallic ferromagnets. In bulk materials, it is the given crystalline structure that determines whether symmetries are broken and spin-polarized bands are present. Here we show that, in the two-dimensional limit, an electric field can control the relevant symmetries. To this end, we fabricate a double-gate transistor based on bilayers of van der Waals antiferromagnetic semiconductor CrPS4 and show how a perpendicular electric displacement field can switch the spin polarization of the conduction band on and off. Because conduction band states with opposite spin polarizations are hosted in the different layers and are spatially separated, these devices also give control over the magnetization of the electrons that are accumulated electrostatically. Our experiments show that double-gated CrPS4 transistors provide a viable platform to create gate-induced conductors with near unity spin polarization at the Fermi level, as well as devices with a full electrostatic control of the total magnetization of the system.
Electric-field manipulation of magnetization in an insulating dilute ferromagnet through piezoelectromagnetic coupling
The electric field control of magnetization is of significant interest in materials science due to potential applications in many devices such as sensors, actuators, and magnetic memories. Here, we report magnetization changes generated by an electric field in ferromagnetic Ga1−xMnxN grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Two classes of phenomena have been revealed. First, over a wide range of magnetic fields, the magnetoelectric signal is odd in the electric field and reversible. Employing a macroscopic spin model and atomistic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert theory with Langevin dynamics, we demonstrate that the magnetoelectric response results from the inverse piezoelectric effect that changes the trigonal single-ion magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Second, in the metastable regime of ferromagnetic hystereses, the magnetoelectric effect becomes non-linear and irreversible in response to a time-dependent electric field, which can reorient the magnetization direction. Interestingly, our observations are similar to those reported for another dilute ferromagnetic semiconductor Crx(Bi1−ySby)1−xTe3, in which magnetization was monitored as a function of the gate electric field. Those results constitute experimental support for theories describing the effects of time-dependent perturbation upon glasses far from thermal equilibrium in terms of an enhanced effective temperature.