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Free mobility across group boundaries promotes intergroup cooperation
Group cooperation is a cornerstone of human society, enabling achievements that surpass individual capabilities. However, groups also define and restrict who benefits from cooperative actions and who does not, raising the question of how to foster cooperation across group boundaries. This study investigates the impact of voluntary mobility across group boundaries on intergroup cooperation. Participants, organized into two groups, decided whether to create benefits for themselves, group members, or everyone. In each round, they were paired with another participant and could reward the other’s actions during an ‘enforcement stage’, allowing for indirect reciprocity. In line with our preregistered hypothesis, when participants interacted only with in-group members, indirect reciprocity enforced group cooperation, while intergroup cooperation declined. Conversely, higher intergroup cooperation emerged when participants were forced to interact solely with out-group members. Crucially, in the free-mobility treatment – where participants could choose whether to meet an in-group or an out-group member in the enforcement stage – intergroup cooperation was significantly higher than when participants were forced to interact only with in-group members, even though most participants endogenously chose to interact with in-group members. A few ‘mobile individuals’ were sufficient to enforce intergroup cooperation by selectively choosing out-group members, enabling indirect reciprocity to transcend group boundaries. These findings highlight the importance of free intergroup mobility for overcoming the limitations of group cooperation.
A neurocognitive mechanism for increased cooperation during group formation
How do group size changes influence cooperation within groups? To examine this question, we performed a dynamic, network-based prisoner’s dilemma experiment with fMRI. Across 83 human participants, we observed increased cooperation as group size increased. However, our computational modeling analysis of behavior and fMRI revealed that groups size itself did not increase cooperation. Rather, interaction between (1) participants’ stable prosocial tendencies, and (2) dynamic reciprocal strategy weighed by memory confidence, underlies the group size-modulated increase in cooperation because the balance between them shifts towards the prosocial tendency with higher memory demands in larger groups. We found that memory confidence was encoded in fusiform gyrus and precuneus, whereas its integration with prosocial tendencies was reflected in the left DLPFC and dACC. Therefore, interaction between recall uncertainty during reciprocal interaction (i.e., forgetting) and one’s individual prosocial preference is a core pillar of emergent cooperation in more naturalistic and dynamic group formation.
Not all who integrate are academics: zooming in on extra-academic integrative expertise
Solving complex problems requires integrating knowledge and skills from various domains. The importance of cross-domain integration has motivated researchers to study integrative expertise: what knowledge and skills help achieve cross-domain integration? Much of the existing research focuses on the integrative expertise of academic researchers who perform inter- and transdisciplinary research. However, academics are not the only ones facilitating integration. In transdisciplinary research, where academics collaborate with professionals, stakeholders, and policymakers, these extra-academic actors can contribute significantly to cross-domain integration. Moreover, many complex problems are addressed entirely outside of universities. This paper contributes to a broader, more inclusive understanding of integrative expertise by drawing attention to the diversity of extra-academic integrative expertise, providing examples of what this expertise looks like in practice, and reflecting on differences with its academic counterpart. The contributions are based on a case study of integrative expertise in Oosterweel Link, a large urban development project in Antwerp, Belgium.
PGRMC2 is a pressure-volume regulator critical for myocardial responses to stress in mice
Progesterone receptors are classified into nuclear and membrane-bound receptor families. Previous unbiased proteomic studies indicate a potential association between cardiac diseases and the progesterone receptor membrane-bound component-2 (PGRMC2); however, the role of PGRMC2 in the heart remains unknown. In this study, we use a heart-specific knockout (KO) mouse model (MyH6•Pgrmc2flox/flox) in which the Pgrmc2 gene was selectively deleted in cardiomyocytes. Here we show that PGRMC2 serves as a mediator of steroid hormones for rapid calcium signaling in cardiomyocytes to maintain cardiac contraction, sufficient stroke volume, and adequate cardiac output by regulating the cardiac pressure-volume relationship. The KO hearts from male and female mice exhibit an impairment in pressure-volume relationship. Under hypoxic conditions, this pressure-volume dysregulation progresses to congestive left and right ventricular failure in the KO hearts. Overall, we propose that PGRMC2 is a cardiac pressure-volume regulator to maintain normal cardiac physiology, especially during hypoxic stress.
Dopaminergic modulation and dosage effects on brain state dynamics and working memory component processes in Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is primarily diagnosed through its characteristic motor deficits, yet it also encompasses progressive cognitive impairments that profoundly affect quality of life. While dopaminergic medications are routinely prescribed to manage motor symptoms in PD, their influence extends to cognitive functions as well. Here we investigate how dopaminergic medication influences aberrant brain circuit dynamics associated with encoding, maintenance and retrieval working memory (WM) task-phases processes. PD participants, both on and off dopaminergic medication, and healthy controls, performed a Sternberg WM task during fMRI scanning. We employ a Bayesian state-space computational model to delineate brain state dynamics related to different task phases. Importantly, a within-subject design allows us to examine individual differences in the effects of dopaminergic medication on brain circuit dynamics and task performance. We find that dopaminergic medication alters connectivity within prefrontal-basal ganglia-thalamic circuits, with changes correlating with enhanced task performance. Dopaminergic medication also restores engagement of task-phase-specific brain states, enhancing task performance. Critically, we identify an “inverted-U-shaped” relationship between medication dosage, brain state dynamics, and task performance. Our study provides valuable insights into the dynamic neural mechanisms underlying individual differences in dopamine treatment response in PD, paving the way for more personalized therapeutic strategies.