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Trained immunity in type 2 immune responses
Immunological memory of innate immune cells, also termed “trained immunity”, allows for cross-protection against distinct pathogens, but may also drive chronic inflammation. Recent studies have shown that memory responses associated with type 2 immunity do not solely rely on adaptive immune cells, such as T- and B cells, but also involve the innate immune system and epithelial cells. Memory responses have been described for monocytes, macrophages and airway epithelial cells of asthmatic patients as well as for macrophages and group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) from allergen-sensitized or helminth-infected mice. The metabolic and epigenetic mechanisms that mediate allergen- or helminth-induced reprogramming of innate immune cells are only beginning to be uncovered. Trained immunity has been implicated in helminth-driven immune regulation and allergen-specific immunotherapy, suggesting its exploitation in future therapies. Here, we discuss recent advances and key remaining questions regarding the mechanisms and functions of trained type 2 immunity in infection and inflammation.
Configural processing as an optimized strategy for robust object recognition in neural networks
Configural processing, the perception of spatial relationships among an object’s components, is crucial for object recognition, yet its teleology and underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We hypothesize that configural processing drives robust recognition under varying conditions. Using identification tasks with composite letter stimuli, we compare neural network models trained with either configural or local cues. We find that configural cues support robust generalization across geometric transformations (e.g., rotation, scaling) and novel feature sets. When both cues are available, configural cues dominate local features. Layerwise analysis reveals that sensitivity to configural cues emerges later in processing, likely enhancing robustness to pixel-level transformations. Notably, this occurs in a purely feedforward manner without recurrent computations. These findings with letter stimuli successfully extend to naturalistic face images. Our results demonstrate that configural processing emerges in a naíve network based on task contingencies, and is beneficial for robust object processing under varying viewing conditions.
Evaluation of a newly developed oral and maxillofacial surgical robotic platform (KD-SR-01) in head and neck surgery: a preclinical trial in porcine models
Traditional open head and neck surgery often leaves permanent scars, significantly affecting appearance. The emergence of surgical robots has introduced a new era for minimally invasive surgery. However, the complex anatomy of the head and neck region, particularly the oral and maxillofacial areas, combined with the high costs associated with established systems such as the da Vinci, has limited the widespread adoption of surgical robots in this field. Recently, surgical robotic platform in China has developed rapidly, exemplified by the promise shown by the KangDuo Surgical Robot (KD-SR). Although the KD-SR has achieved some results comparable to the da Vinci surgical robot in urology and colorectal surgery, its performance in complex head and neck regions remains untested. This study evaluated the feasibility, effectiveness, and safety of the newly developed KD-SR-01, comparing it with standard endoscopic systems in head and neck procedures on porcine models. We performed parotidectomy, submandibular gland resection, and neck dissection, collected baseline characteristics, perioperative data, and specifically assessed cognitive workload using the NASA-TLX. None of the robotic procedures were converted to endoscopic or open surgery. The results showed no significant difference in operation time between the two groups (P = 0.126), better intraoperative bleeding control (P = 0.001), and a significant reduction in cognitive workload (P < 0.001) in the robotic group. In conclusion, the KD-SR-01 is feasible, effective, and safe for head and neck surgery. Further investigation through well-designed clinical trials with long-term follow-up is necessary to establish the full potential of this emerging robotic platform.
Trained immunity of alveolar macrophages requires metabolic rewiring and type 1 interferon signaling
Environmental microbial triggers shape the development and functionality of the immune system. Alveolar macrophages (AMs), tissue-resident macrophages of the lungs, are in constant and direct contact with inhaled particles and microbes. Such exposures likely impact AM reactivity to subsequent challenges by immunological imprinting mechanisms referred to as trained immunity. Here, we investigated whether a ubiquitous microbial compound has the potential to induce AM training in vivo. We discovered that intranasal exposure to ambient amounts of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced a pronounced AM memory response, characterized by enhanced reactivity upon pneumococcal challenge. Exploring the mechanistic basis of AM training, we identified a critical role of type 1 interferon signaling and found that inhibition of fatty acid oxidation and glutaminolysis significantly attenuated the training effect. Notably, adoptive transfer of trained AMs resulted in increased bacterial loads and tissue damage upon subsequent pneumococcal infection. In contrast, intranasal pre-exposure to LPS promoted bacterial clearance, highlighting the complexity of stimulus-induced immune responses, which likely involve multiple cell types and may depend on the local immunological and metabolic environment. Collectively, our findings demonstrate the profound impact of ambient microbial exposure on pulmonary immune memory and reveal tissue-specific features of trained immunity.
Rapid brain tumor classification from sparse epigenomic data
Although the intraoperative molecular diagnosis of the approximately 100 known brain tumor entities described to date has been a goal of neuropathology for the past decade, achieving this within a clinically relevant timeframe of under 1 h after biopsy collection remains elusive. Advances in third-generation sequencing have brought this goal closer, but established machine learning techniques rely on computationally intensive methods, making them impractical for live diagnostic workflows in clinical applications. Here we present MethyLYZR, a naive Bayesian framework enabling fully tractable, live classification of cancer epigenomes. For evaluation, we used nanopore sequencing to classify over 200 brain tumor samples, including 10 sequenced in a clinical setting next to the operating room, achieving highly accurate results within 15 min of sequencing. MethyLYZR can be run in parallel with an ongoing nanopore experiment with negligible computational overhead. Therefore, the only limiting factors for even faster time to results are DNA extraction time and the nanopore sequencer’s maximum parallel throughput. Although more evidence from prospective studies is needed, our study suggests the potential applicability of MethyLYZR for live molecular classification of nervous system malignancies using nanopore sequencing not only for the neurosurgical intraoperative use case but also for other oncologic indications and the classification of tumors from cell-free DNA in liquid biopsies.