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Phylogenetically and metabolically diverse autotrophs in the world’s deepest blue hole
The world’s deepest yongle blue hole (YBH) is characterized by sharp dissolved oxygen (DO) gradients, and considerably low-organic-carbon and high-inorganic-carbon concentrations that may support active autotrophic communities. To understand metabolic strategies of autotrophic communities for obtaining carbon and energy spanning redox gradients, we presented finer characterizations of microbial community, metagenome and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) in the YBH possessing oxic, hypoxic, essentially anoxic and completely anoxic zones vertically. Firstly, the YBH microbial composition and function shifted across the four zones, linking to different biogeochemical processes. The recovery of high-quality MAGs belonging to various uncultivated lineages reflected high novelty of the YBH microbiome. Secondly, carbon fixation processes and associated energy metabolisms varied with the vertical zones. The Calvin–Benson–Bassham (CBB) cycle was ubiquitous but differed in affiliated taxa at different zones. Various carbon fixation pathways were found in the hypoxic and essentially anoxic zones, including the 3-hyroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate (3HP/4HB) cycle affiliated to Nitrososphaeria, and Wood-Ljungdahl (WL) pathway affiliated to Planctomycetes, with sulfur oxidation and dissimilatory nitrate reduction as primary energy-conserving pathways. The completely anoxic zone harbored diverse taxa (Dehalococcoidales, Desulfobacterales and Desulfatiglandales) utilizing the WL pathway coupled with versatile energy-conserving pathways via sulfate reduction, fermentation, CO oxidation and hydrogen metabolism. Finally, most of the WL-pathway containing taxa displayed a mixotrophic lifestyle corresponding to flexible carbon acquisition strategies. Our result showed a vertical transition of microbial lifestyle from photo-autotrophy, chemoautotrophy to mixotrophy in the YBH, enabling a better understanding of carbon fixation processes and associated biogeochemical impacts with different oxygen availability.
Quantifying unit ratios in semiconducting copolymers and effect of structural deviations on photovoltaic performance
Large batch-to-batch differences in the performance of organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices are a serious problem, often attributed to structural inconsistencies in semiconducting copolymers. This work uses X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to quantify the monomer unit ratio in widely used electron donor copolymers for OPVs, achieving high accuracy through optimized measurement conditions and calibration. The results show that the monomer unit ratios in different polymer batches deviate from the ideal 1:1 ratio and vary depending on the supplier. Additionally, we synthesize copolymers with intentionally altered unit ratios, which are accurately quantified by XPS. For both commercial and synthesized polymers, larger deviations from a 1:1 ratio are associated with reduced fill factor and open-circuit voltage in bulk-heterojunction OPVs. Quantitative XPS analysis of copolymer structures provides valuable insight into the relationship between variations in OPV performance and the structural integrity of the polymer across batches.
Humic acid-dependent respiratory growth of Methanosarcina acetivorans involves pyrroloquinoline quinone
Although microbial humus respiration plays a critical role in organic matter decomposition and biogeochemical cycling of elements in diverse anoxic environments, the role of methane-producing species (methanogens) is not well defined. Here we report that a major fraction of humus, humic acid reduction enhanced the growth of Methanosarcina acetivorans above that attributed to methanogenesis when utilizing the energy sources methanol or acetate, results which showed both respiratory and fermentative modes of energy conservation. Growth characteristics with methanol were the same for an identically cultured mutant deleted for the gene encoding a multi-heme cytochrome c (MmcA), results indicating MmcA is not essential for respiratory electron transport to humic acid. Transcriptomic analyses revealed that growth with humic acid promoted the upregulation of genes annotated as cell surface pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-binding proteins. Furthermore, PQQ isolated from the membrane fraction was more abundant in humic acid-respiring cells, and the addition of PQQ improved efficiency of the extracellular electron transport. Given that the PQQ-binding proteins are widely distributed in methanogens, the findings extend current understanding of microbial humus respiration in the context of global methane dynamics.
The comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 ‘hijackome’ knowledge base
The continuous evolution of SARS-CoV-2 has led to the emergence of several variants of concern (VOCs) that significantly affect global health. This study aims to investigate how these VOCs affect host cells at proteome level to better understand the mechanisms of disease. To achieve this, we first analyzed the (phospho)proteome changes of host cells infected with Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron BA.1 and BA.5 variants over time frames extending from 1 to 36 h post infection. Our results revealed distinct temporal patterns of protein expression across the VOCs, with notable differences in the (phospho)proteome dynamics that suggest variant-specific adaptations. Specifically, we observed enhanced expression and activation of key components within crucial cellular pathways such as the RHO GTPase cycle, RNA splicing, and endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD)-related processes. We further utilized proximity biotinylation mass spectrometry (BioID-MS) to investigate how specific mutation of these VOCs influence viral–host protein interactions. Our comprehensive interactomics dataset uncovers distinct interaction profiles for each variant, illustrating how specific mutations can change viral protein functionality. Overall, our extensive analysis provides a detailed proteomic profile of host cells for each variant, offering valuable insights into how specific mutations may influence viral protein functionality and impact therapeutic target identification. These insights are crucial for the potential use and design of new antiviral substances, aiming to enhance the efficacy of treatments against evolving SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Revealing the molecular interplay of coverage, wettability, and capacitive response at the Pt(111)-water solution interface under bias
While electrified interfaces are crucial for electrocatalysis and corrosion, their molecular morphology remains largely unknown. Through highly realistic ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the Pt(111)-water solution interface in reducing conditions, we reveal a deep interconnection among electrode coverage, wettability, capacitive response, and catalytic activity. We identify computationally the experimentally hypothesised states for adsorbed hydrogen on Pt, HUPD and HOPD, revealing their role in governing interfacial water reorientation and hydrogen evolution. The transition between these two H states with increasing potential, induces a shift from a hydrophobic to a hydrophilic interface and correlates with a change in the primary electrode screening mechanism. This results in a slope change in differential capacitance, marking the onset of the experimentally observed peak around the potential of zero charge. Our work produces crucial insights for advancing electrocatalytic energy conversion, developing deep understanding of electrified interfaces.