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Temporal trends in the prevalence of GP registrars’ long-term paediatric asthma control medications prescription

Asthma is one of the most common chronic illnesses affecting children. Long-term asthma control medications (LTACMs) are an important aspect of asthma management, with under-prescription associated with poor asthma control and increased asthma deaths. This study aimed to document temporal trends in the prescribing of LTACMs for paediatric patients for asthma-related presentations to Australian general practice registrars (trainees). Longitudinal analyses of data from 2010 to 2022 from the Registrars Clinical Encounters in Training study were undertaken. Proportions of paediatric presentations where LTACMs were prescribed were calculated, and temporal trends analysed and graphed. There was no change over time in registrar prescribing of LTACMs for paediatric asthma, although temporal changes were seen in the types of LTACMs prescribed. The lack of temporal increase in overall LTACMs prescription, despite evidence showing their importance in preventing asthma morbidity and mortality, has significant educational, clinical, and policy implications.

Improving asthma care in children: revealing needs and bottlenecks through in-depth interviews

Asthma affects 7% of Dutch children and poses an increasing challenge, highlighting the need for effective paediatric asthma care. Achieving optimal asthma control is crucial given the potentially negative long-term effects of bad asthma control on lung development and quality of life in young children. The aim was to understand the challenges and requirements of existing asthma management practices in children. In a qualitative explorative study design, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were held among 37 Dutch stakeholders. A total of 15 patients/parents, 10 general practitioners (GPs), 5 paediatricians/paediatric pulmonologists and 7 nursing specialist/pulmonary nurses participated. Analysis was based on a thematic inductive analysis, using open and axial coding. GPs tended to emphasise the treatment of patients/parents with acute symptoms and underestimate the diagnosis and management of chronic symptoms, leading to possible over- and undertreatment. Asthma care between primary and secondary healthcare is fragmented and worsens these challenges. Moreover, the absence of well-established follow-up structures in primary care contributes to insufficient self-management skills among patients. Shared Decision-Making in children lacks a tailored approach, with variable engagement levels among healthcare providers. Limited focus on preventive strategies leads to little attention to, for example, promoting healthy lifestyles. Moreover, children are often not actively involved in decision-making. The study provides valuable insights to improve the quality and continuity of care for children with asthma and their parents. It underlines the need for a comprehensive and integrated care pathway to minimise the long-term negative effects of uncontrolled asthma.

Distinct airway epithelial immune responses after infection with SARS-CoV-2 compared to H1N1

Children are less likely than adults to suffer severe symptoms when infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), while influenza A H1N1 severity is comparable across ages except for the very young or elderly. Airway epithelial cells play a vital role in the early defence against viruses via their barrier and immune functions. We investigated viral replication and immune responses in SARS-CoV-2-infected bronchial epithelial cells from healthy paediatric (n = 6; 2.5–5.6 years old) and adult (n = 4; 47–63 years old) subjects and compared cellular responses following infection with SARS-CoV-2 or Influenza A H1N1. While infection with either virus triggered robust transcriptional interferon responses, including induction of type I (IFNB1) and type III (IFNL1) interferons, markedly lower levels of interferons and inflammatory proteins (IL-6, IL-8) were released following SARS-CoV-2 compared to H1N1 infection. Only H1N1 infection caused disruption of the epithelial layer. Interestingly, H1N1 infection resulted in sustained upregulation of SARS-CoV-2 entry factors FURIN and NRP1. We did not find any differences in the epithelial response to SARS-CoV-2 infection between paediatric and adult cells. Overall, SARS-CoV-2 had diminished potential to replicate, affect morphology and evoke immune responses in bronchial epithelial cells compared to H1N1.

Infrastructure development in children’s behavioral health systems of care: essential elements and implementation strategies

To improve the outcomes of children’s behavioral health systems, states must invest in expanding infrastructure; however, infrastructure is a commonly used and poorly understood concept. This paper aims to provide a definition of infrastructure in the context of state-level children’s behavioral system of care development and describes five essential infrastructure elements: an integrated governance and decision-making structure; structures and processes for blended and braided funding; a central point of access for information, referral, and linkage; workforce development, training, and coaching in effective practices; and data and quality improvement mechanisms. Suggested implementation activities are offered for each of the five proposed infrastructure components. The important role of public-private partnership, particularly with intermediary organizations, is described, and future directions for research and scholarship are proposed.

The effect of avatar identity on spontaneous perspective-taking in patients with schizophrenia

Controversy exists regarding whether the spontaneity of altercentric intrusion is impaired in patients with schizophrenia during implicit visual perspective-taking tasks. This study explored the characteristics of spontaneous visual perspective-taking in patients with schizophrenia and the effect of an avatar identity on their perspective-taking. We recruited 65 patients with schizophrenia and 65 healthy participants to complete 4 visual perspective-taking experiments for uncued other-avatar and self-avatar tasks and cued other-avatar and self-avatar tasks. In uncued other-avatar experiments, healthy controls showed a significant reduction in accuracy and an increase in response latency when the number of visible discs differed from that seen by the other-avatar (inconsistent condition), indicating altercentric intrusion. However, patients with schizophrenia did not exhibit this effect. In uncued self-avatar experiments, when the avatar was defined as the participant themselves, patients with schizophrenia did not show spontaneous perspective-taking. However, in cued other-avatar experiments, they showed altercentric intrusion in response latency, and in cued self-avatar experiments, they showed altercentric intrusion in accuracy and response latency. These results suggest that patients with schizophrenia have the tendency to spontaneously adopt the perspective of others, which is predicated on their awareness of the existence of perspectives. In addition, the avatar’s identity as a stranger hinders the spontaneous perspective-taking processes in patients with schizophrenia.


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