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Experts consensus on management of tooth luxation and avulsion

Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) of teeth occur frequently in children and adolescents. TDIs that impact the periodontal tissues and alveolar tissue can be classified into concussion, subluxation, extrusive luxation, intrusive luxation, lateral luxation, and avulsion. In these TDIs, management of injured soft tissue, mainly periodontal ligament, and dental pulp, is crucial in maintaining the function and longevity of the injured teeth. Factors that need to be considered for management in laxation injuries include the maturation stage of the traumatic teeth, mobility, direction of displacement, distance of displacement, and whether there are alveolar fractures. In avulsion, the maturation stage of the permanent tooth, the out-socket time, storage media/condition of the avulsed tooth, and management of the PDL should also be considered. Especially, in this review, we have subdivided the immature tooth into the adolescent tooth (Nolla stage 9) and the very young tooth (Nolla stage 8 and below). This consensus paper aimed to discuss the impacts of those factors on the trauma management and prognosis of TDI to provide a streamlined guide for clinicians from clinical evaluation, diagnostic process, management plan decision, follow-up, and orthodontic treatment for tooth luxation and avulsion injuries.

Expert consensus on intentional tooth replantation

Intentional tooth replantation (ITR) is an advanced treatment modality and the procedure of last resort for preserving teeth with inaccessible endodontic or resorptive lesions. ITR is defined as the deliberate extraction of a tooth; evaluation of the root surface, endodontic manipulation, and repair; and placement of the tooth back into its original socket. Case reports, case series, cohort studies, and randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the efficacy of ITR in the retention of natural teeth that are untreatable or difficult to manage with root canal treatment or endodontic microsurgery. However, variations in clinical protocols for ITR exist due to the empirical nature of the original protocols and rapid advancements in the field of oral biology and dental materials. This heterogeneity in protocols may cause confusion among dental practitioners; therefore, guidelines and considerations for ITR should be explicated. This expert consensus discusses the biological foundation of ITR, the available clinical protocols and current status of ITR in treating teeth with refractory apical periodontitis or anatomical aberration, and the main complications of this treatment, aiming to refine the clinical management of ITR in accordance with the progress of basic research and clinical studies; the findings suggest that ITR may become a more consistent evidence-based option in dental treatment.

Comparative evaluation of sealing ability and adaptation of gel form of MTA to dentinal walls: an in-vitro study

Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) is a calcium silicate-based cement that potentially exhibits improved washout resistance when carboxymethyl chitosan or gelatin is incorporated. Gel-form MTA is a novel mineral trioxide aggregate formulated using construction industry-based technology. The present study was conducted to comparatively evaluate the sealing ability and adaptation to dentinal walls of gel-form MTA.

STING directly interacts with PAR to promote apoptosis upon acute ionizing radiation-mediated DNA damage

Acute ionizing radiation (IR) causes severe DNA damage, leading to cell cycle arrest, cell death, and activation of the innate immune system. The role and signaling pathway of stimulator of interferon genes (STING) in IR-induced tissue damage and cell death are not well understood. This study revealed that STING is crucial for promoting apoptosis in response to DNA damage caused by acute IR both in vitro and in vivo. STING binds to poly (ADP‒ribose) (PAR) produced by activated poly (ADP‒ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP1) upon IR. Compared with that in WT cells, apoptosis was suppressed in Stinggt-/gt- cells. Excessive PAR production by PARP1 due to DNA damage enhances STING phosphorylation, and inhibiting PARP1 reduces cell apoptosis after IR. In vivo, IR-induced crypt cell death was significantly lower in Stinggt-/gt- mice or with low-dose PARP1 inhibitor, PJ34, resulting in substantial resistance to abdominal irradiation. STING deficiency or inhibition of PARP1 function can reduce the expression of the proapoptotic gene PUMA, decrease the localization of Bax on the mitochondrial membrane, and thus reduce cell apoptosis. Our findings highlight crucial roles for STING and PAR in the IR-mediated induction of apoptosis, which may have therapeutic implications for controlling radiation-induced apoptosis or acute radiation symptoms.


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