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Observation of non-Hermitian topological synchronization
Non-Hermitian topology plays a pivotal role in physical science and technology, exerting a profound impact across various scientific disciplines. Recently, the interplay between topological physics and nonlinear synchronization has aroused a great interest, leading to the emergence of an intriguing phenomenon known as topological synchronization, wherein nonlinear oscillators at boundaries synchronize through topological boundary states. To the best of our knowledge, however, this phenomenon has yet to be experimentally validated, and the study of non-Hermitian topological synchronization remains in its infancy. Here, we investigate non-Hermitian topological synchronization, uncovering the influence of system size and boundary site geometry on synchronization effects. We demonstrate that simply varying the lattice size allows transitions between three distinct types of non-Hermitian topological synchronization. Furthermore, we reveal that the geometry of the boundary sites introduces a degree of freedom, enabling the control over the configuration of non-Hermitian topological synchronization. These findings are experimentally validated using non-Hermitian nonlinear topological circuits. This work significantly broadens the scope of nonlinear non-Hermitian topological physics and opens new avenues for the application of synchronization phenomena in future technologies.
Coupling of cell shape, matrix and tissue dynamics ensures embryonic patterning robustness
Tissue patterning coordinates morphogenesis, cell dynamics and fate specification. Understanding how precision in patterning is robustly achieved despite inherent developmental variability during mammalian embryogenesis remains a challenge. Here, based on cell dynamics quantification and simulation, we show how salt-and-pepper epiblast and primitive endoderm (PrE) cells pattern the inner cell mass of mouse blastocysts. Coupling cell fate and dynamics, PrE cells form apical polarity-dependent actin protrusions required for RAC1-dependent migration towards the surface of the fluid cavity, where PrE cells are trapped due to decreased tension. Concomitantly, PrE cells deposit an extracellular matrix gradient, presumably breaking the tissue-level symmetry and collectively guiding their own migration. Tissue size perturbations of mouse embryos and their comparison with monkey and human blastocysts further demonstrate that the fixed proportion of PrE/epiblast cells is optimal with respect to embryo size and tissue geometry and, despite variability, ensures patterning robustness during early mammalian development.
Composite vortex air laser
Structured air laser generated through establishing high-gain air media in a cavity-free scheme by intense ultrashort pulses is promising for optical manipulation and quantum communication at standoff distances. However, the mechanism how the orbital angular momentum (OAM) information can be entangled into strong-field-induced gain media is still controversial, making manipulation of the topological charges of structured air laser remain a challenge. Here, we report the realization of a composite vortex N2+ air laser with controllable OAM by manipulating the relative positions, polarization directions, and intensity ratio between a Gaussian-shaped pump and an external vortex seed. Numerical simulations reveal the essential role of the interference between self-seeded Gaussian-shaped and externally-seeded vortex lasing emissions in the topological charge transformation. Our findings not only shed light on the generation mechanism of vortex air lasers, but also open up avenues for quantum manipulation of structured light through strong-field laser ionization of molecules remotely.
Melatonin affects trophoblast epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and oxidative damage resistance by modulating GDF15 expression to promote embryo implantation
Melatonin is widely observed in the female reproductive system and regulates trophoblast cell functions, but its effects on embryo implantation and underlying mechanisms are not well understood. By constructing an in vitro embryo culture model, we found that melatonin enhances migration and implantation in human and mouse trophoblast cells. It also significantly promoted HTR-8/SVneo cell proliferation, inhibited apoptosis, enhanced migration, and mitigated oxidative damage. Further investigation revealed that melatonin promoted trophoblast cell migration and increased the in vitro implantation rate of HTR-8/SVneo spheroids by promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) via the growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15)–mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2/3 (SMAD2/3) pathway. Additionally, melatonin increased the levels of glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) and glutathione (GSH) in HTR-8/SVneo cells by upregulating the expression of GDF15, inhibiting reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, and increasing mitochondrial membrane potential, thus suppressing apoptosis during oxidative stress. In conclusion, melatonin promotes EMT in trophoblast cells via GDF15-SMAD2/3 pathway and partially induces the expression of GPX4 through GDF15 to enhance oxidative damage resistance in trophoblast cells. These findings highlight melatonin’s regulatory role in embryo implantation and suggest new avenues for exploring its biological effects in reproduction and clinical applications.
Topological dynamics and correspondences in composite exceptional rings
The study of unconventional phases and elucidation of correspondences between topological invariants and their intriguing properties are pivotal in topological physics. Here, we investigate a complex exceptional ring (CER), composed of a third-order exceptional ring and multiple Weyl exceptional rings, and establish a direct correspondence between Chern numbers and the distinctive behaviors of these structures. We show that band braiding during quasistatic encircling processes correlates with nontrivial Chern numbers, resulting in triple (double) periodic spectra for topologically nontrivial (trivial) middle bands. Moreover, Chern numbers predict mode transfer during dynamical encircling. Experimental schemes for realizing CER in cold atoms are proposed, emphasizing the crucial role of Chern numbers as both measurable quantity and descriptor of exceptional physics in dissipative systems. This discovery broadens topological classifications in non-Hermitian systems, with promising applications in quantum computing and metrology.