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Noncollinear spin texture-driven torque in deterministic spin–orbit torque-induced magnetization switching

To reveal the role of chirality on field-free spin–orbit torque (SOT) induced magnetization switching, we propose an existence of z-torque through the formation of noncollinear spin texture during SOT-induced magnetization switching in a laterally two-level perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) system. For the investigation of torque, we simulate magnetization dynamics in the two-level PMA system with SOT, which generates the noncollinear spin texture. From the spatial distribution of magnetic energy, we reveal the additional z-directional torque contribution in the noncollinear spin texture, which is unexpected in the conventional SOT-induced magnetization switching in collinear spin texture. The z-directional torque originates from the interaction between the chirality of the noncollinear spin texture and the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction of the system. Furthermore, the experimental observation of the asymmetric magnetization switching to the direction of the current flow in the two-level PMA system supports our theoretical expectation.

Unraveling the dynamics of magnetization in topological insulator-ferromagnet heterostructures via spin-orbit torque

Spin–orbit coupling is a relativistic effect coupling the orbital angular momentum with the spin, which determines the physical properties of condensed matter. For instance, the spin–orbit coupling strongly influences spin dynamics, opening the possibility for promising applications. The topological insulator–ferromagnet heterostructure is a typical example exhibiting spin dynamics driven by current-induced spin–orbit torque. Recent observations of the sign flip of Hall conductivity imply that the spin–orbit torque is strong enough to flip magnetization within this heterostructure. Motivated by this, our study elucidates the conditions governing spin flips by studying the magnetization dynamics. We establish that the interplay between spin-anisotropy and spin–orbit torque plays a crucial role in the magnetization dynamics. Furthermore, we categorize various modes of magnetization dynamics, constructing a comprehensive phase diagram across distinct energy scales, damping constants, and applied frequencies. We also consider the effect of a magnetic field on the magnetization dynamics. This research not only offers insights into controlling spin direction but also charts a new pathway to the practical application of spin–orbit coupled systems.

Magnetic memory and distinct spin populations in ferromagnetic Co3Sn2S2

Co3Sn2S2, a ferromagnetic Weyl semi-metal with Co atoms on a kagome lattice, has generated much recent attention. Experiments have identified a temperature scale below the Curie temperature. Here, we find that this magnet keeps a memory, when not exposed to a magnetic field sufficiently large to erase it. We identify the driver of this memory effect as a small secondary population of spins, whose coercive field is significantly larger than that of the majority spins. The shape of the magnetization hysteresis curve has a threshold magnetic field set by the demagnetizing factor. These two field scales set the hitherto unidentified temperature scale, which is not a thermodynamic phase transition, but a crossing point between meta-stable boundaries. Global magnetization is well-defined, even when it is non-uniform, but drastic variations in local magnetization point to a coarse energy landscape, with the thermodynamic limit not achieved at micrometer length scales.

Is neck pain a marker for something serious? Like myelopathy

Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM) is a chronic progressive condition of the cervical spine that leads to compression of the spinal cord. It is the most common cause of spinal cord dysfunction in adults, and it occurs due to age-related changes or genetically associated pathologies. DCM is a clinical and radiological diagnosis and presents with a spectrum of symptoms ranging from neck pain and stiffness to paralysis. While neck pain is prevalent amongst patients attending specialist clinics, its predictive value for DCM is limited. This paper focuses on elucidating the relationship between DCM and chronic neck pain, and we discuss the underlying aetiology and broader neurological implications in the context of the literature. The progression of DCM can be slow and insidious with symptoms worsening gradually over time. Neck pain should not be discounted in the evaluation of DCM.


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