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Conversion of placental hemogenic endothelial cells to hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are critical for the treatment of blood diseases in clinic. However, the limited source of HSPCs severely hinders their clinical application. In the embryo, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) arise from hemogenic endothelial (HE) cells lining the major arteries in vivo. In this work, by engineering vascular niche endothelial cells (VN-ECs), we generated functional HSPCs in vitro from ECs at various sites, including the aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region and the placenta. Firstly, we converted mouse embryonic HE cells from the AGM region (aHE) into induced HSPCs (iHSPCs), which have the abilities for multilineage differentiation and self-renewal. Mechanistically, we found that VN-ECs can promote the generation of iHSPCs via secretion of CX3CL1 and IL1A. Next, through VN-EC co-culture, we showed that placental HE (pHE) cells, a type of extra-embryonic HE cells, were successfully converted into iHSPCs (pHE-iHSPCs), which have multilineage differentiation capacity, but exhibit limited self-renewal ability. Furthermore, comparative transcriptome analysis of aHE-iHSPCs and pHE-iHSPCs showed that aHE-iHSPCs highly expressed HSC-specific and self-renewal-related genes. Moreover, experimental validation showed that retinoic acid (RA) treatment promoted the transformation of pHE cells into iHSPCs that have self-renewal ability. Collectively, our results suggested that pHE cells possess the potential to transform into self-renewing iHSPCs through RA treatment, which will facilitate the clinical application of placental endothelial cells in hematopoietic cell generation.
Close relationship partners of impartial altruists do not report diminished relationship quality and are similarly altruistic
Impartial altruism is often considered a moral ideal but is rare in practice. Instead, generosity typically decreases as social distance increases, a phenomenon termed social discounting. Most people prefer this partiality in their close relationships and view impartial altruists as poorer relationship partners. This suggests real-world impartial altruism may be rare because it reduces—or is perceived to reduce—the quality of close relationships. To investigate this, we compared patterns of generosity and social relationship quality in a rare sample of individuals who had engaged in extraordinary real-world impartial altruism (altruistic kidney donors; n = 59) and their closest friend or family member (n = 59) to controls (n = 71) and their closest others (n = 71). We designed a direct test of third-party social discounting, which experimentally confirmed real-world altruists’ impartiality, finding that they are more likely than controls to split resources evenly between close and distant others rather than favoring close others. However, we found no statistically significant association between impartial altruism and social relationship quality. Instead, we found that altruists’ close others also show more impartiality than controls. This suggests value homophily (shared moral values) among altruists, which may represent a protective factor for close relationships in the context of impartial altruism.
Reducing functionally defective old HSCs alleviates aging-related phenotypes in old recipient mice
Aging is a process accompanied by functional decline in tissues and organs with great social and medical consequences. Developing effective anti-aging strategies is of great significance. In this study, we demonstrated that transplantation of young hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) into old mice can mitigate aging phenotypes, underscoring the crucial role of HSCs in the aging process. Through comprehensive molecular and functional analyses, we identified a subset of HSCs in aged mice that exhibit “younger” molecular profiles and functions, marked by low levels of CD150 expression. Mechanistically, CD150low HSCs from old mice but not their CD150high counterparts can effectively differentiate into downstream lineage cells. Notably, transplantation of old CD150low HSCs attenuates aging phenotypes and prolongs lifespan of elderly mice compared to those transplanted with unselected or CD150high HSCs. Importantly, reducing the dysfunctional CD150high HSCs can alleviate aging phenotypes in old recipient mice. Thus, our study demonstrates the presence of “younger” HSCs in old mice, and that aging-associated functional decline can be mitigated by reducing dysfunctional HSCs.
Stem cell transplantation extends the reproductive life span of naturally aging cynomolgus monkeys
The ovary is crucial for female reproduction and health, as it generates oocytes and secretes sex hormones. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been shown to alleviate pathological ovarian aging. However, it is unclear whether MSCs could benefit the naturally aging ovary. In this study, we first examined the dynamics of ovarian reserve of Chinese women during perimenopause. Using a naturally aging cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) model, we found that transplanting human embryonic stem cells-derived MSC-like cells, which we called M cells, into the aging ovaries significantly decreased ovarian fibrosis and DNA damage, enhanced secretion of sex hormones and improved fertility. Encouragingly, a healthy baby monkey was born after M-cell transplantation. Moreover, single-cell RNA sequencing analysis and in vitro functional validation suggested that apoptosis, oxidative damage, inflammation, and fibrosis were mitigated in granulosa cells and stromal cells following M-cell transplantation. Altogether, these findings demonstrate the beneficial effects of M-cell transplantation on aging ovaries and expand our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying ovarian aging and stem cell-based alleviation of this process.
Donor MHC-specific thymus vaccination allows for immunocompatible allotransplantation
Organ transplantation is the last-resort option to treat organ failure. However, less than 10% of patients benefit from this only option due to lack of major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-matched donor organs and 25%–80% of donated organs could not find MHC-matched recipients. T cell allorecognition is the principal mechanism for allogeneic graft rejection. We herein present a “donor MHC-specific thymus vaccination” (DMTV) strategy to induce T cell tolerance to both autologous and allogeneic donor MHC. Allogeneic MHC molecules were expressed in the recipient thymus through adeno-associated virus-mediated delivery, which led to stable expression of allogeneic MHC together with the autologous MHC in the engineered thymus. During local T cell education, those T cells recognizing either autologous MHC or allogeneic MHC were equally depleted. We constructed C57BL/6-MHC and BALB/c-MHC dual immunocompatible mice via thymus vaccination of C57BL/6-MHC into the BALB/c thymus and observed long-term graft tolerance after transplantation of C57BL/6 skin and C57BL/6 mouse embryonic stem cells into the vaccinated BALB/c mice. We also validated our DMTV strategy in a bone marrow, liver, thymus (BLT)-humanized mouse model for immunocompatible allotransplantation of human embryonic stem cells. Our study suggests that the DMTV strategy is a potent avenue to introduce a donor compatible immune system in recipients, which overcomes the clinical dilemma of the extreme shortage of MHC-matched donor organs for treating patients with end-stage organ failure.