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Neural codes track prior events in a narrative and predict subsequent memory for details
Throughout our lives, we learn schemas that specify what types of events to expect in particular contexts and the temporal order in which these events usually occur. Here, our first goal was to investigate how such context-dependent temporal structures are represented in the brain during processing of temporally extended events. To accomplish this, we ran a 2-day fMRI study (N = 40) in which we exposed participants to many unique animated videos of weddings composed of sequences of rituals; each sequence originated from one of two fictional cultures (North and South), where rituals were shared across cultures, but the transition structure between these rituals differed across cultures. The results, obtained using representational similarity analysis, revealed that context-dependent temporal structure is represented in multiple ways in parallel, including distinct neural representations for the culture, for particular sequences, and for past and current events within the sequence. Our second goal was to test the hypothesis that neural schema representations scaffold memory for specific details. In keeping with this hypothesis, we found that the strength of the neural representation of the North/South schema for a particular wedding predicted subsequent episodic memory for the details of that wedding.
Human neural dynamics of real-world and imagined navigation
The ability to form episodic memories and later imagine them is integral to the human experience, influencing our recollection of the past and envisioning of the future. While rodent studies suggest the medial temporal lobe, especially the hippocampus, is involved in these functions, its role in human imagination remains uncertain. In human participants, imaginations can be explicitly instructed and reported. Here we investigate hippocampal theta oscillations during real-world and imagined navigation using motion capture and intracranial electroencephalographic recordings from individuals with chronically implanted medial temporal lobe electrodes. Our results revealed intermittent theta dynamics, particularly within the hippocampus, encoding spatial information and partitioning navigational routes into linear segments during real-world navigation. During imagined navigation, theta dynamics exhibited similar patterns despite the absence of external cues. A statistical model successfully reconstructed real-world and imagined positions, providing insights into the neural mechanisms underlying human navigation and imagination, with implications for understanding memory in real-world settings.
Feasibility of meeting future battery demand via domestic cell production in Europe
Batteries are critical to mitigate global warming, with battery electric vehicles as the backbone of low-carbon transport and the main driver of advances and demand for battery technology. However, the future demand and production of batteries remain uncertain, while the ambition to strengthen national capabilities and self-sufficiency is gaining momentum. In this study, leveraging probabilistic modelling, we assessed Europe’s capability to meet its future demand for high-energy batteries via domestic cell production. We found that demand in Europe is likely to exceed 1.0 TWh yr−1 by 2030 and thereby outpace domestic production, with production required to grow at highly ambitious growth rates of 31–68% yr−1. European production is very likely to cover at least 50–60% of the domestic demand by 2030, while 90% self-sufficiency seems feasible but far from certain. Thus, domestic production shortfalls are more likely than not. To support Europe’s battery prospects, stakeholders must accelerate the materialization of production capacities and reckon with demand growth post-2030, with reliable industrial policies supporting Europe’s competitiveness.
When the customers comes to you: mobile apps and corporate investment efficiency
Firms are increasingly shifting towards digital channels, yet the implications of this shift remain underexplored. Using a unique database of customer behaviors extracted from the top 2000 mobile apps developed by companies in China, this study investigates the impact of mobile apps on inefficient corporate investments. The results indicate that metrics such as active user count, usage duration, and app launch frequency can mitigate inefficient investments, notably by curtailing overinvestment. These findings survive a series of robustness checks such as altering the measures of inefficient investment, extending the analysis to include the top five apps, incorporating H-share listed firms, and employing instrumental variables regression. Moreover, the mechanism analysis indicates that mobile apps help reduce inefficient investments by lowering agency costs and relaxing financial constraints. Further analysis examines the business models of these apps (paid vs. free) as well as their reputation mechanisms, revealing that the pricing strategies of apps and the reputation of corporate brands also play a role in how the adoption of mobile apps affects inefficient investment.
Affective integration in experience, judgment, and decision-making
The role of affect in value-based judgment and decision-making has attracted increasing interest in recent decades. Most previous approaches neglect the temporal dependence of mental states leading to mapping a relatively well-defined, but largely static, feeling state to a behavioral tendency. In contrast, we posit that expected and experienced consequences of actions are integrated over time into a unified overall affective experience reflecting current resources under current demands. This affective integration is shaped by context and continually modulates judgments and decisions. Changes in affective states modulate evaluation of new information (affect-as-information), signal changes in the environment (affect-as-a-spotlight) and influence behavioral tendencies in relation to goals (affect-as-motivation). We advocate for an approach that integrates affective dynamics into decision-making paradigms. This dynamical account identifies the key variables explaining how changes in affect influence information processing may provide us with new insights into the role of affect in value-based judgment and decision-making.