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Urban growth strategy in Greater Sydney leads to unintended social and environmental challenges
Cities have advanced in terms of economic and social status over the past five decades, improving the living conditions of hundreds of millions of people. However, population growth and urban expansion have put pressure on social and environmental conditions. This study examines urban policymakers’ perceptions about causal relationships in the urban system as revealed in urban planning reports. Here we analyzed 500 pages from published urban plans of Greater Sydney between 1968 and 2018 and coded the text into causal maps. The findings show that policymakers adopted a dominant urban development strategy over the past 50 years to pursue economic and public infrastructure growth. Over time, this growth strategy resulted in a number of social and environmental challenges that negatively impacted societal well-being. Although policymakers eventually recognized the seriousness of social and environmental challenges, they never attempted to fundamentally change the dominant growth strategy. Instead, policymakers sought to address the challenges (that is, symptoms) by responding to each issue piecemeal.
The decreasing housing utilization efficiency in China’s cities
‘Ghost cities’ are a well-known phenomenon of (almost) complete vacancy of urban living space in China. Underutilization of urban living space, however, is far more common than complete vacancy. Here we propose the concept of housing utilization efficiency (HUE) and present the following findings: (1) the overall HUE in China’s highly urbanized areas decreased from 84% in 2010 to 78% in 2020, (2) the HUE in central, old urban areas was generally lower than that in the outer layers of urban areas and declined more from 2010 to 2020 and (3) four development types are found to represent different patterns of urban population movement, urban housing growth and HUE change at the intraurban level. These findings provide comprehensive insight into the discrepancies between urban housing supply and demand in China and highlight their connections to the country’s particular urbanization characteristics and policies, which are crucial for future housing development and planning.
Parallel scaling of elite wealth in ancient Roman and modern cities with implications for understanding urban inequality
Rapid urbanization and rising inequality are pressing global concerns, yet inequality is an ancient trait of city life that may be intrinsically connected to urbanism itself. Here we investigate how elite wealth scales with urban population size across culture and time by analyzing ancient Roman and modern cities. Using Bayesian models to address archeological uncertainties, we uncovered a consistent correlation between population size and physical expressions of elite wealth in urban spaces. These patterns suggest the presence of an ancient, enduring mechanism underlying urban inequality. Supported by an agent-based network simulation and informed by the settlement scaling theory, we propose that the observed patterns arise from common preferential attachment in social networks—a simple, yet powerful, driver of unequal access to interaction potential. Our findings open up new directions in urban scaling research and underscore the importance of understanding long-term urban dynamics to chart a course toward a fairer urban future.
State-level policies alone are insufficient to meet the federal food waste reduction goal in the United States
The United States Food Loss and Waste Reduction Goal seeks to reduce national food waste by 50%, down to 74 kg per capita, by 2030. Here we investigate state policies’ alignment with the federal goal across four policy categories. We develop a policy scoring matrix and apply it to wasted food solutions listed in the non-profit ReFED’s database to derive ranges of food waste diversion potential and projected generation across states. On the basis of state policies alone, no state can meet the federal target. We estimated a diversion potential of 5–14 kg per capita and a food waste generation of 149 kg per capita nationally in 2022, equivalent to the 2016 baseline. Without additional intervention at the state and federal level promoting a shift from food waste recycling towards prevention, rescue and repurposing, food generation in the United States will probably remain high.
Determinants of consumer intention to use autonomous delivery vehicles: based on the planned behavior theory and normative activation model
Autonomous delivery vehicles (ADVs) that provide contactless services have attracted much academic and practical attention in China in recent years. Despite this, there is a lack of in-depth research on what motivates customers to embrace ADVs. The study integrates the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and normative activation model (NAM) and explores how environmental factors, situational factors, and individual factors affect original TPB constructs and ultimately consumers’ intention to use ADVs. Structural equation modeling was performed on survey data of 561 Chinese consumers through an online sampling platform. The results show that among the factors affecting consumer intention, word-of-mouth recommendations have the greatest impact, followed by perceived enjoyment, COVID-19 risk, ascription of responsibility, subjective norm, attitude, and perceived behavioral control. The results not only make important theoretical contributions to the technology acceptance fields but also provide helpful references to logistics enterprises, ADVs technology providers, and policymakers.