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Promises and challenges of indoor photovoltaics
Indoor photovoltaics (IPVs) harvest ambient light to produce electricity and can cleanly power the rapidly growing number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors. The surge in IPV development, with new proposed materials, devices and products, creates the need to critically evaluate how IPV devices have advanced and to assess their prospects. In this Review, we analyse the status, challenges and opportunities of established and emerging IPV technologies, including metal-halide perovskite, organic photovoltaics, dye-sensitized solar cell and perovskite-inspired materials. Many emerging low-toxicity semiconductor materials could reach IPV efficiencies of up to 50%, but carrier localization and defect trapping hinder their performance. Wide adoption of standardized performance assessment methods is essential, and further harmonization is needed for stress tests, qualification standards and energy rating assessments. For seamless IPV integration in IoT devices, series-connected cell modules and appropriate power management hardware are crucial to maximize energy extraction. IPV device stability, technology upscaling and cost-effective integration in IoT sensors must be further developed but balanced with sustainability across the entire value chain.
Impact of green bonds on CO2 emissions and disaggregated level renewable electricity in China and the United States of America
Green financial products have emerged that can benefit economic actors in financing green initiatives to promote renewable energy and enable carbon neutrality. Against this backdrop, the study examines the impact of green bonds (GBs) on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and renewable electricity generation (EG) in China and the USA, the leading countries in terms of GB issuance and CO2 emissions. To this end, the study conducts a disaggregated-level analysis by applying novel nonlinear quantile methods between January 2, 2019, and July 31, 2023. The results demonstrate that at higher quantiles; (i) GBs mainly have a dampening impact on CO2 emissions from the transportation sector in China and the USA; (ii) GBs have a stimulating impact on solar and wind EG in China; (iii) GBs have a diminishing impact on all types of EGs in the USA. Thus, GBs have an impact on carbon neutrality and renewable energy, which differs by quantiles, sectors, and EG sources. Accordingly, various policy implications are discussed in terms of further contributions of GBs to carbon neutrality and renewable energy in China and the USA.
An Integrative lifecycle design approach based on carbon intensity for renewable-battery-consumer energy systems
Driven by sustainable development goals and carbon neutrality worldwide, demands for both renewable energy and storage systems are constantly increasing. However, the lack of an appropriate approach without considering renewable intermittence and demand stochasticity will lead to capacity oversizing or undersizing. In this study, an optimal design approach is proposed for integrated photovoltaic-battery-consumer energy systems in the form of a m2-kWp-kWh relationship in both centralized and distributed formats. Superiorities of the proposed matching degree approach are compared with the traditional uniformity approach, in photovoltaic capacity, battery capacity, net present value and lifecycle carbon intensity. Results showed that the proposed method is superior to the traditional approach with higher net present value and lower carbon intensity. Furthermore, the proposed method can be scaled and applied to guide the design of photovoltaic-battery-consumer energy systems in different climate zones, promoting sustainable development and carbon neutrality globally.
Diversity of biomass usage pathways to achieve emissions targets in the European energy system
Biomass is a versatile renewable energy source with applications across the energy system, but it is a limited resource and its usage needs prioritization. We use a sector-coupled European energy system model to explore near-optimal solutions for achieving emissions targets. We find that provision of biogenic carbon has higher value than bioenergy provision. Energy system costs increase by 20% if biomass is excluded at a net-negative (−110%) emissions target and by 14% at a net-zero target. Dispatchable bioelectricity covering ~1% of total electricity generation strengthens supply reliability. Otherwise, it is not crucial in which sector biomass is used, if combined with carbon capture to enable negative emissions and feedstock for e-fuel production. A shortage of renewable electricity or hydrogen supply primarily increases the value of using biomass for fuel production. Results are sensitive to upstream emissions of biomass, carbon sequestration capacity and costs of direct air capture.
Flash Joule heating for synthesis, upcycling and remediation
Electric heating methods are being developed and used to electrify industrial applications and lower their carbon emissions. Direct Joule resistive heating is an energy-efficient electric heating technique that has been widely tested at the bench scale and could replace some energy-intensive and carbon-intensive processes. In this Review, we discuss the use of flash Joule heating (FJH) in processes that are traditionally energy-intensive or carbon-intensive. FJH uses pulse current discharge to rapidly heat materials directly to a desired temperature; it has high-temperature capabilities (>3,000 °C), fast heating and cooling rates (>102 °C s−1), short duration (milliseconds to seconds) and high energy efficiency (~100%). Carbon materials and metastable inorganic materials can be synthesized using FJH from virgin materials and waste feedstocks. FJH is also applied in resource recovery (such as from e-waste) and waste upcycling. An emerging application is in environmental remediation, where FJH can be used to rapidly degrade perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances and to remove or immobilize heavy metals in soil and solid wastes. Life-cycle and technoeconomic analyses suggest that FJH can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions and be cost-efficient compared with existing methods. Bringing FJH to industrially relevant scales requires further equipment and engineering development.